• About the Artist

    I am an artist who explores ways to create meaningful connections for people through objects and experiences.  In my graduate experience I have spent time studying, traveling and in residence in a variety of cities with rich and varied cultures:  Philadelphia, New York, Dubai, Delhi, Beirut, Paris, Cairo, and Cincinnati.  Every place I go I return to an awareness of 'sameness' and familiarity, based on moments spent in circles with others, whether eating together or exchanging gifts, which are often clothing.  

    From having spent so much time as a guest in someone else's home or in a foreign country I have grown accustomed to the tradition of openness and exchange that comes with travel.  It is my aim to weave these types of gatherings - that incorporate sincere openness and welcoming, into my life and my art practice wherever I am.  

    I believe our identities are stored in the objects we use and hold onto.  By sharing or trading something with another, the meaning may change, but a new level of closeness can form between those engaged with the exchange.  By exchanging clothes a personal connection can form between the person giving and person receiving.  It is a tradition among men to exchange shirts after a soccer match out of a sign of respect and celebration.  Women pass down dresses and accessories for future generations.  After exchanging clothes, two people may have a deeper level of affection and friendship in the future.